The only truly automated recruiting platform

Improve future performance with robust analytics

SquarePeg provides analytics to help you recruit more strategically, convert more applicants, and build more diverse teams.

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Rated 4.9/5
An illustration that depicts SquarePeg's talent insights product.

Define job requirements strategically

Set realistic expectations by understanding the impact your job requirements have on the availability of passive and active talent before sourcing starts.

Write higher-converting job descriptions

Use application page analytics, such as impressions, time-on-page, and conversion rates to improve your job description and applicant conversion in real-time.

Build more diverse teams

Unlike other platforms, SquarePeg doesn’t charge extra for diversity capabilities. Improve URG representation by leveraging aggregated data on gender and ethnicity for applicant approval and pipeline stage pass-through.

Join ambitious businesses

Streamline your recruiting today with SquarePeg's AI-assisted sourcing and screening and native applicant tracking tools.

Start for Free
14 Day Free Trial
5 Min Setup
No Credit Card Needed

As the only recruiter on my team, SquarePeg has been a huge help. I know that I am focused on reviewing the most-qualified candidates.

Justin McDonald
Head of People @ Boxbot

Improve hiring performance

Leverage time-in-stage and pass-through rates to improve hiring performance and protect your reputation by ensuring the best candidate experience.

Get started today

Start your free, 14-day trial

Publish a job for free and experience for yourself how SquarePeg simplifies the process of recruitment and increases hiring efficiency.

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14 Day Free Trial
5 Min Setup
No Credit Card Needed